「詠極甫仁」是由黃紀民師父提倡的武術理念。 黃師父幼隨尊師 鄧香海修研楊式太極,有成後經學長馮漢引薦,立雪 葉問宗師門下,學習詠春拳術,承六十年之功、集兩家之大成,求有誠子弟,既不為金錢名利,卻旨在傳燈有緣。「詠極」武學系統,不單承傳了詠春、太極兩家拳術的高深哲學,揉合了兩拳的精粹,更貫徹中國傳統「忠孝謙誠、仁義禮信」的崇高思想,嚴格要求門下弟子,做到拳藝、德行並重。


        「詠極」武學系統,堅持以小班教學,嚴格控制弟子質素,各有緣拜門者,必須經由至少兩位認可人士引薦,在委員會審慎評核後,先記名為本門的「學生」,跟從個別導師學藝;各「學生」在入門時,均須明確申報,其過往的習武經驗,包括詠春、太極或其它拳種等,以資識別,並簽署作實。 同時,本門亦要求所有「學生」,不論年資、拳齡,皆須由基本功做起,從頭開始修習本門心法及拳術,以求統一,與及避免「學生」偏離正技軌道。


        本門「學生」在修練基本功、與及初階拳術套路達兩年以上,有顯著成績者,可經由導師推薦,在黃紀民師父、或其他至少三位委員監考下,參加進階考試。 詠春進階試,內容包括詠春拳的基本理論、小念頭套路、單黐手、和雙黐手等;太極進階試的內容,則包括太極拳基本理論、站椿、八段錦、套路至第一節雲手、和單推手等。 「學生」於考試成功後,正式升格,納入為本門的弟子,由黃紀民師父授予證書,「學生」亦要簽署作實,表列「徒弟」名單之中,持續進階學習。


        「詠極甫仁」鼓勵本門的「徒弟」們,同時修習本門的兩套拳術,曾習詠春者,會先從八段錦開始、逐步學習太極拳術,而曾練太極拳者,亦可從小念頭開始,按步就班,學習詠春拳術。 各「徒弟」定必要虛心學習、持之以恆,為徒者應問以誠、為師者當告之以實,師徒得互動互勉,以無偏無懼、無私無忌的精神,共同探討兩套拳術的精粹,促進相互間的進步。


        此外,凡表列為「詠極甫仁」的「徒弟」者,除了要遵循直屬「師父」的教導外,同樣亦可以跟系統中的前輩與同輩、甚或是其他同宗支流的弟子,作有建設性的交流,取長捨短,以補不足。 習詠春拳者,要勤練小念頭、尋橋、黐手與過手、木人樁法、和箭拳等,習太極拳者,則要做好站椿、八段錦、太極一百零八式、單推手、雙推手等指定動作,有成者才能夠繼續深造,兩套拳術的更高深層次;惟修習時間的長短、程序和進度,由直屬「師父」決定,旁人不得有任何異議。


        「拳無德,非人學;人不仁,如禽獸!」 本門的資深「徒弟」,於眾委員細心監察下,證明其品格、德行、武藝俱佳者,由直屬「師父」引薦,經黃紀民師父最終同意,可進身為本門的「入室弟子」行列,與所有的師叔、伯一同練習,並深研兩套拳術的核心哲理和學問。 「入室弟子」在修畢標指、六點半棍、八斬刀、和太極劍法以後,應該融會貫通,將兩套拳學化為一體,無分彼此,於甩手練習及搏擊實踐中,靈活運用,做到心神 合一,動作流暢,有若行雲流水,瀟灑自如。


        在此嚴正聲明,「詠極甫仁」絕對不是一套創新的拳術系統,不存在任何無必要的改革或轉變,黃紀民師父只是將他多年來的習武心得,重新整理編排,集大成、求融合,也代表著他對 香海尊師 與 葉問宗師的敬重和承諾,冀能將兩家拳術的高深哲學,傳燈于有緣,讓他們繼續發光發亮;依此為據,所有「詠極甫仁」的第一代和第二代弟子,實乃 鄧、葉兩公之再傳和三傳弟子,以此類推;各門人輩份清楚分明,絕不能混淆,擾亂視聽。


        「詠極」武學系統,極注重武術紮基、與及人格德行的培育,各弟子務必要明白,循序漸進地修習本門兩拳的重要性,絕對不能急功近利。 本門的「徒弟」,在日常課堂中,可擔「助教」之責,幫助指導同門「學生」;而「入室弟子」,經直屬「師父」同意下,可自行開班授徒,光大我門,但仍然必須遵循我門的訓示。



「詠極甫仁」架構  (學生名單未列在內)


系統始創人:          黃紀民 (會長)


榮譽顧問:              葉問 宗師授徒陳卓元、曾永華


委員會成員:          黃紀民嫡傳弟子范偉良 (主席)、蕭偉剛 (副主席)、林麗芬 (常務秘書)再傳弟子黃偉成 (幹事)


第一代入室弟子:   黃皓經、陳穎麟、蕭偉豪


第一代弟:          姚繼石、梁裕華、陳嘉華、馮錦康、楊志明、鄭瑞年、余秋雨、麥世耀、蘇一凡、張偉民、陸愛文、吳梓材、

                               張潔明、盧惠芳、林松耀 、曾婉媚、楊玉姬


第二代入室弟子:   陳壁曜、張啟榮


第二代弟:          范朗然、黃柳浩、梁晞晴、黃君明、劉健忻、劉錦麟、鍾卓男、鍾卓恆、袁子浩、羅芳宏、楊位玉




         “Ving Chi Po Yan” (abbreviated VCPY) (詠極甫仁) is the martial art philosophy as advocated by Master Wong Ki Man, Francis (黃紀民).  Master Wong experienced many varieties of codified training systems and traditional combat practices since he was young.  However, the biggest influences on his martial arts development were his practices in Tai Chi (太極) and Ving Chun (詠春).  Wong began in Yang style (楊式) Tai Chi training at the age of 15, under respectable master, Deng Xiang Hai (鄧香海).  Thereafter, his senior schoolmate / colleague Stewart Fung (馮漢) introduced him to Great Grandmaster Ip Man (葉問宗師) to begin his Ving Chun training in 1960.  Master Wong have undertaken painful and hardship in the tough training of the two martial art systems for more than five decades, hence is confident that he has mastered the in-depth skills of these two martial arts.  He therefore seeks to leave behind to followers who have dedication and sharing similar ideas to pass on these arts without regard for monetary reward or fame.


         To form the foundation of VCPY, the philosophy of Ving Chun and Tai Chi will continue to prosper with equal weighting be placed in the art of combat skills as well as in the demand for traditional Chinese cultural virtues, which are loyalty (忠), filial piety (孝), humility (謙), sincerity (誠), kindness (仁), justice (義), politeness (禮), and faith (信).  Master Wong believes that these Chinese moral virtues blend well with the philosophy of both Ving Chun and Tai Chi.  All VCPY followers therefore are stringently required whilst acquiring combat skills, morality virtues that are to be observed with similar importance.


        VCPY martial art philosophy insists that quality training can only exist through teaching in small groups, which will tighten control of the quality of practitioners.  Any new comer who wishes to join the group must obtain referral of at least two existing members.  After an assessment is made by the committee, s/he will initially be categorized as “Student” (學生), to begin training under either VCPY centre and will practice under different instructor's guidance.  For identification purpose, all new “students” have to declare clearly before start, their previous experience in combat trainings, including Ving Chun, Tai Chi, or any other martial art system s/he has learned or been taught.  They need to countersign to confirm.  In addition, regardless of the seniority or combat experience, all “students” are required to start training from VCPY's very beginning basic skills, in order to learn similar fundamental techniques, and avoid off the proper course deviation.


         VCPY has structured its own school curriculum and teaching system.  After a junior grade "student" has joined for training for a minimum period of two years, and is seen to have notable progress, s/he can attend the examination for promotion.  The examination has to be referred by the student's immediate instructor, via the mentoring under Master Wong, and/or the invigilation of three other committee members.


         The Ving Chun promotion test content includes the comprehension of Ving Chun basic theory, Siu Nim Tao form (小念頭), the single and double sticking hands (黐手); whilst the Tai Chi promotion test comprises the understanding of Tai Chi basic theory, Zhan Zhuang (站椿), Ba Duan Jin (八段錦), Tai Chi form to the first section of cloud-hand (雲手), and the single pushing-hands (單推手).  Master Wong will grant certificates to “students” who successfully pass the examinations.  They need to countersign the certificates to confirm before they can be listed among the VCPY “Disciples” (徒弟), and thereafter to continue their trainings in the advanced stage.


         All VCPY “disciples” are encouraged to be trained in both Ving Chun and Tai Chi martial art systems under separate instructors (sifus) respectively.  Existing Ving Chun “students” will start from Ba Duan Jin and gradually emulate fellow mates' achievements in Tai Chi.  For Tai Chi students, they need to start from Siu Nim Tao form and learn Ving Chun systematically, with patience and with persistence.


         Both Ving Chun and Tai Chi martial art systems require interaction.  All students therefore are required to learn with perseverance and with open mind, whilst the instructors (sifus) should always enlighten them truthfully.  Without pride, fear, selfishness, and prejudice, all VCPY members are encouraged to communicate freely, the essential techniques of the two types of martial art hence to promote mutual benefit to improve.  In addition, VCPY urges all “disciples” to acquire practice-training skills beyond their own mentors, namely seniors of the same school and alternatively, interact with practitioners from other schools of the common Grandmaster, to improve their skills and experiences.


        All VCPY “disciples” need to repeatedly practice the fundamental skills, Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu (尋橋), Sticking Hands, Wooden Dummy (木人樁), Arrow Fist (箭拳), and Sparring (過手) applications, Zhan Zhuang, Ba Duan Jin, Pushing hands (推手) and other specific techniques.  For those who are able to complete and satisfy the tough requirement of these trainings, they will be recommended by their sifus to attend VCPY's advance courses to enhance their martial art learning.  However, the disciples' immediate sifus would determine their training procedure, progress, and length of duration, no one else should interfere with their decisions.


         To rank as the “In-door Disciple" of VCPY, an apprentice of years seniority can qualify if there is specific referral by her/his immediate sifu, along with all committee members’ careful assessments and recommendations that s/he is of good character and has attained a certain level of skills.  The recognition of such status is subject to Master Wong's confirmation of acceptance.  The successful candidate should, after completion of the training in Biu Tze (標指), Six-and-a-half-point Pole (六點半棍), Bart Cham Dao (八斬刀), and Tai Chi Sword (太極劍), begin to appreciate the core philosophies of the two schools of martial arts, master their techniques, and be able to integrate the two sets of techniques into one thus practically apply to use the techniques in training and combat, efficiently, fluently, and harmoniously.


          VCPY always emphasizes the importance of good basic training and sound personality cultivation.  There are no short cuts to success.  All followers should know they have to take time and stride to learn these two martial art disciplines.  They need patience and endeavor to get on the path to learn the proper techniques.


         This is hereby to specifically declare, “VCPY” is definitely not a martial art system of innovative invention.  It does not involve any unwarranted modification or changes in Ving Chun or Tai Chi conventional techniques.  Master Wong Ki Man merely utilizes his in-depth knowledge or experience acquired over the years in these two martial arts systems, thus making some re-arrangement to assimilate and blend the backbone philosophies of the systems together.  VCPY is the showcase of deepest gratitude to his most respectable masters: Deng Xiang Hai and Ip Man, in the hopeful expectation that such valuable techniques can be passed onto the future generations, and continue to prosper it.


         Relying on this as testimony, the position of VCPY disciples in the family hierarchy is clear.  The first and second generations of VCPY disciples are actually the second and third generation disciples of Great Grandmaster Deng and Ip respectively.  Seniority in ranking disciples of different generations is obvious and unambiguous.  There is no uncertainty or confusion in this matter.


         Designated VCPY “disciples” should take on the responsibility to assist guiding junior fellows and/or other "students" during the regular classes.  Besides, “In-door Disciples", with the permission of her/his immediate sifus, are encouraged to hold classes of her/his own to coach their own apprentices.  Nevertheless, they still need to always follow the strict disciplines of VCPY.



Organization Structure of “Ving Chi Po Yan” (Student lists are not included)


Founder of the System:                        Wong Ki Man, Francis (President)


Honorary Counsellors:                          Raphael Chan, Peter Tsang (Disciples of Great Grandmaster Ip Man)


Committee Members:                           Alethea Fan (Chairman); James Siew (Vice-Chairman); Belinda Lam (General Secretary);

                                                             Vincent Wong (Administrative Executive)


1st Generation “In-door Disciples":        Dominic Wong, Wyland Chan, Laurance Siew


1st Generation “Disciples":                     Daniel Yiu, Christopher Leung, Alan Chan,Tony Fung, Alex Yeung, Alfred Yu, Alfred So,

                                                              Cheung Wai Man, Luk Oi Man, Mak Sai Yiu, Ng Chi Choi, Ella Yeung, Isabella Cheung, 

                                                              Florence Lo, Lam Chung Yiu, Winnie Tsang


2nd Generation “In-door Disciples":       Bevis Chan, Cheung Kai Wing


2nd Generation “Disciples":                   Tom Fan, Wong Lau Ho, Sally Leung, Gradvy Wong, Yvonne Lau, Rainier Lau, Martin Un,

                                                             Angus Chung, Boris Chung, Law Fong Wang, Young Wai Yuk