


           本人黃紀民,當年立雪宗師 葉問 (問公) 門下名黃漢忠。


          自 問公仙遊,本人深念其春風化雨,終生不忘! 惟恐 先師傳予本人之拳藝、武德,及身而止,雖自知不如 問公神技,但仍不公開地,以小班教學,非為名利,只求一報師恩,為師藝之傳世,略盡綿力。 而本人亦以誠待人,盡己任審慎擇徒,確保教風嚴謹,也惟恐 問公之寶藝、和延續「詠春」心法的苦心,會傳與不肖,以致師門名聲受辱。


          問公 客居香島後,傳授「詠春」拳學,甚得當地武林欽敬,及後各師兄亦桃李滿門,名揚四海。 我等求技於 問公,深知「詠春」之法度,如眾多中華拳術般,有其獨特拳理,若只求表面,不明其內涵,則若入寶山而無所得;多年來以「詠春」拳聞名於世者,皆不能從 問公所授之拳法外,自創新法,即使有者,亦終返本歸源,歸於宗師一脈。


          問公 離世三十多年來,香港武壇各派守業為艱,本門亦幾經重重困難,惟仍能保存一點血脈,實亦大幸;惜我等同學,多已踏入人生的黃昏階段,很多更已離世,故現有 需要,把本人所知的,承傳於史,把其法度、系統一一闡明,以正視聽。


          以此為承,到此時止我只允許過我的三位親弟子陳穎麟、范偉良和蕭偉剛,傳授 問公所傳的「詠春」拳學。 我的信念是以個別小組形式教授,所以曾與我們研習拳術的人,只為少數。 正技承傳,非重於似是而非之外形,「詠春」的為用心法,至為貴寶;本人不想胡亂批准未得真意的人教授,以免害人害己!


         「詠春」是前人留下來的中華文化瑰寶,一種實用的攻防武學藝術;若有人想利用「詠春」和各種宣傳技倆,以圖名利,只是無知與及功利而已。 如有海內外、願以誠學技之同好,望與吾等「詠春」愛好者切磋交流,請與以上三位朋友聯絡,我們會再作安排。








Announcement on 01 December 2009



          My name is Francis Wong Ki Man, known in my years with Great Grandmaster Ip Man as Wong Hon Chung.


         Great Grandmaster Ip Man had passed away over decades.  After all these years, many things could have happened and changed.  Many martial art schools e.g. have been facing lots of difficulties and gradually fall in the new era.  Fortunately, the Ving Chun family can manage to survive and still exists as she is at the present form.  Nevertheless, with more and more senior people of our generation are stepping into their twilight years, and actually many did pass away lately, it is therefore sad to say, no care how people make their fame and popularity by whatever means, the tradition and goodness of this school is simultaneously fading away.


         On the other hand, I wish to state at this particular time that, since the post WWII people have already known well Ving Chun was first introduced and taught by Great Grandmaster Ip Man ONLY, in Hong Kong!  By later time, his disciples and the next generation began to give tuitions, whilst many of them succeeded to gain respects, locally and worldwide.  It is therefore understandable and logical to say, there is ONLY one "Ip Man Ving Chun".  Thus there should have no deviation in the family or under Great Grandmaster‘s individual followers, as we ALL were learning Ving Chun from him initially.  No one should claim his/her establishment of any new Ving Chun system, else issue testimonials on Great Grandmaster Ip's behalf, to misleading the public.


          Since the passing of Great Grandmaster Ip Man, I have always reminded myself that despite what I had learned before was falling behind my master's expectations, on worries what his good knowledge could be lost in the mists of time, I hold myself responsible for the move to give tuitions, in small groups.  The aim is to seek a reasonable continuation of this precious martial art system.


          All along, I have followed the belief that tuitions given must be at best on individual bases.  Therefore, I do not have many disciples.  Among them all, I have otherwise assigned Wyland Chan, Althea Fan, and James Siew only, to assist me coaching, or holding their own classes to give tuitions, on "Ip Man Ving Chun".  Besides, I have never signed, and would hardly condone people for not notifying me, to issue certificates under the fake title of “Wong Ki Man Ving Chun”, or “Wong Hon Chung Ving Chun”, or whatever document bearing the same meaning.


          Ving Chun is a valuable treasure leaving to us by our intelligent predecessors.  It appears in the form of traditional Chinese culture, a masterly system of defence, and the efficient offensive technique.  It cannot be learned and achieved in short time.  Indeed, by conventional training, the system itself offers quick and effective ways to render obvious results, but there are actually tremendous hidden philosophies to follow.  To propagate in the wrong direction can only do harm to this particular precious martial art school, and people do it just because of their sheer ignorance and wishful thinkings!


           With all the above-mentioned reasons, I sincerely wish to say that we welcome people who agree our faith and like to practice this beautiful martial art form.  We welcome all of you who are genuinely and honestly wish to pick up this precious Chinese art from us.  Separately, as I live mostly in Sydney, I usually hold training sessions with all just when I am in Hong Kong.  However, I am always pleased to meet interested parties when opportunities arise.  Please feel free to contact my three disciples for the arrangements.


          I thank you all who read this message and pay respect to your personal interest in this good school of Ving Chun.  Wish you all have a wonderful experience walking the path to ultimate happiness and success.